Crafting and executing strategy are top priority managerial tasks because

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Crafting and executing strategy are top-priority managerial tasks because:A) it helps management create tight fits between a company's strategic vision and business model.B) it allows all company personnel, and especially senior executives, to know the answer to "who are we,what do we do, and where are we headed?"C) it is management's prescription for doing business, its roadmap to competitive advantage, a game planfor pleasing customers, and its formula for improving performance.D) it provides clear guidance as to what the company's business model and strategic intent are, and helpskeep managerial decision-making from being rudderless.E) it establishes how well executives perform these tasks and are the key determinants of executivecompensation.C) it is management's prescription for doing business, its roadmap to competitive advantage, a game plan forpleasing customers, and its formula for improving performance.Crafting and executing strategy are top-priority managerial tasks because:A) they are necessary ingredients of a sound business model.B) good strategy coupled with good strategy execution are the most telling signs of good management andgreatly raises the chances that a company will be a standout performer in the marketplace.C) the management skills of top executives are sharpened as they work their way through the strategymaking,strategy-executing process.D) doing these tasks helps executives develop an appropriate strategic vision, strategic intent, and a set ofstrategic objectives.E) of the contribution they make to maximizing value for shareholders.B) good strategy coupled with good strategy execution are the most telling signs of good management andgreatly raises the chances that a company will be a standout performer in the marketplace.Good strategy combined with good strategy execution:A) offers a surefire guarantee for avoiding periods of weak financial performance.B) are the two best signs that a company is a true industry leader.C) are more important management functions than forming a strategic vision and setting objectives.D) are the most telling signs of good management.E) signal that a company has a superior business model.D) are the most telling signs of good management.The most telling signs of a well-managed company are:A) the eagerness with which executives set stretch financial and strategic objectives and develop anambitious strategic vision.B) aggressive pursuit of new opportunities and a willingness to change the company's business modelwhenever circumstances warrant.C) good strategy-making combined with good strategy execution.D) a visionary mission statement and a willingness to pursue offensive strategies rather than defensive

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