Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastique's demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

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Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastiques demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

Microeconomics - 5th Edition

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Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastiques demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

Survey of Economics - 10th Edition

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Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastiques demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

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In: Economics

Fantastique Bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. The following graph shows Fantastique's demand curve, marginal revenue curve (MR), marginal cost curve (MC), and average total cost curve (ATC).

Place the black paint (plus symbol) on the graph to indicate the short-run profit-maximizing price and quantity for this monopolistically competitive company. Then, use the green rectangle (triangle symbols) to shade the area representing the company's profit or loss.

Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastiques demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

Given the profit-maximizing choice of output and price, the shop is making _______  proft, which means there are _______  Shops in the industry relative to the long-run equilibrium.

Now consider the long run in which bike manufacturers are free to enter and exit the market.

Show the possible effect of this free entry and exit by shifting the demand curve for a typical individual producer of bikes on the following graph.

Fantastique bikes is a company that manufactures bikes in a monopolistically competitive market. the following graph shows fantastiques demand curve, marginal revenue curve (mr), marginal cost curve (mc), and average total cost curve (atc).

Which of the following statements are true about both monopolistic competition and monopolies? Check all that apply. 

  • Firms are not price takers. 

  • Price is above marginal cost. 

  • Firms earn zero profit in the long run. 

  • Price equals average total cost in the long run.