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Page 2

Pre ICU localization, n (%)  
 ward 39 (62.9)
 Emergency department 17 (27.4)
 Other ICU 6 (9.7)
Comorbid diseases, N (%) 46 (75.4)
 Diabetes mellitus 4 (6.6)
 Hypertension 20 (32.3)
 Congestive heart failure 14 (22.6)
 Renal failure 1 (1.6)
Domiciliary oxygen therapy, N (%) 15 (24.6)
Domiciliary ventilator therapy, N (%) 4 (6.5)
APACHE II on ICU admission, median(IQR) 15 (12–19)
Arterial blood gases on admission, median(IQR)  
 pH 7.34 (7.29-7.40)
 PaCO2, mmHg 69.5 (61.0-81.7)
 PaO2, mmHg 70.9 (54.3-84.2)
 HCO3, mmol/l 37.7 (33.1-41.1)
 PaO2/FiO2 192 (145–264)

  1. ICU, intensive care unit; APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; PaO2, partial arterial oxygen pressure; PaCO2, partial arterial carbondioxide pressure; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; HCO3, hydrogen bicarbonate; IQR, interquartile ratio.

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