The statement for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction is a statement of _______.

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is the statement of Sir Isaac Newton. and this is the third law of motion.

The other two laws of motions are:

  • According to the first law of motion, every object either in a state of uniform motion or in a state of rest continues to be in uniform motion or in rest until an external force acts on it.
  • According to the second law of motion, force is equal to the product of mass and acceleration.

Following are the examples of the third law of motion:

  • While swimming, swimmer pushes the water backwards with the help of his hands such that the water pushes him forward.
  • Walking on the road is the second example of Newton’s third law of motion. Here, force is applied to the ground in the backward direction resulting in push in the forward direction making a person walk easily on the ground.

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All statements can be inferred from 3rd law of motion

All statements except 5 can be inferred from 3rd law of motion

All statements except 4 can be inferred from 3rd law of motion

Only statement 1 can be inferred from 3rd law of motion